adress Minsk, 220004, Pobediteley Ave., 11

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus

Participants of Belarus-Russia forum of regions visit Euphrosyne Convent in Polotsk


Participants of the 11th Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia visited the Savior – St. Euphrosyne Convent, BelTA has learned.

This is one of the main shrines of Belarus. The monastery was built by order of the outstanding enlightener Euphrosyne of Polotsk which she headed for many years.

Today, thousands of pilgrims come here to worship the relics of the nun, which are housed in the monastery. There is also a full-size copy of the Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, which was recreated by Brest goldsmith Nikolai Kuzmich in 1997. The original cross of 1161 made by Lazar Bogsha disappeared without a trace after the Great Patriotic War.

The convent impresses everyone who comes here. Unique frescoes were discovered in the Transfiguration Church during the restoration work. It is to be completed by the 900th anniversary of the monastery which will be celebrated in 2025.

Photos by Tatiana Matusevich
